Monday, August 31, 2009

Get The Perfect Score - “Silent Assassin” Rating – Mission 3 Hitman Blood Money

This mission (Mission 3 - Curtains Down) in Hitman Blood Money (PC Game) can be done quick and clean and as a result you get the perfect rating “Silent Assassin”

  • Kill Alvaro D'Alvade
  • Kill Richard Delahunt
  • Escape Opera

Required Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Basic Kit (Syringes)

1) Change Outfit
Enter the opera quick and moce straight into the bathroom next to coat-check room. Stand in the corner next to the open bin. Wait for the technician to come in (not the opera visitor). Once the technician “is busy” and does not look at you, sedate him with the knock-out syringe (not the kill syringe). Change clothes. Dispose the body in the bin. Close the lid.

2) Get the keycard to the Light Control Room
Go through the basement and take any of the stairs in the back leading up to Level 1. There is an office near the actors rooms. The actors rooms have the star next to the door. And the end of the hall is an administration office. Just walk in an take the keycard from the office desk

3) Access Light Control Room
Go back to the Opera entrance, walk up the stairs to the top level. In the middle of the aisle is the Light Control Room. Wait until no police is around and enter the room. Make sure the door is closed.

4) On Stage Execution of Alvaro D'Alvade
Assemble you Sniper Rifle. Wait for the scene when Alvaro D'Alvade gets shot on stage. Once the animation of the on stage execution starts, press “X” to enter the scope view of the sniper rifle. Shoot after D'Alvade. Gets hit on stage. Press “X” to get out of scope view. WAIT. This kill counts as “accident” and not as kill. Like actor actor accidentally shot with prob stage weapon ;-)

5) Kill Richard Delahunt
After everybody realises that Alvaro D'Alvade is dead, Richard Delahunt will run down on stage. Shoot him down with the rifle. Disassemble rifle. Take rifle case. Leave the control room.

6) Escape Opera
Walk back to the bathroom at the entrance to the opera where you changed outfits first. In the bathroom press “M” to check the map. If no people are around or about to enter the bathroom, change back into your black suit. Leave the opera.

The result:
2 shots fired, 1 accident, 1 kill, no traces left. Perfect Rating “Silent Assassin”. 150,000 $ bonus.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fallout 3 Starter Guide

Fallout 3 is a great game, which offers a fantastic gaming experience. Give it a try!

Fallout 3 is not an easy game. Especially if you are not familiar with "open sandbox style" games or RPGs.

This guide will give you some information, which is really handy to know at the start of the game WITHOUT any spoilers. I found most guides reveal too much of the story and quests and therefore can deteriorate your gaming experience. Ok, here are some essentials, nice to knows and NO SPOILERS.

If you start out new with Fallout 3, consider buying the Broken Steel add-on. It increases the level cap from 20 to 30 and extents the main story line. You can download broken steel for 10 US$ from Windows Live or buy the add-on pack DVD with Broken Steel & Point Lookout (currently 20 US$).

You can customize your character to your liking and there are many combinations that work well. However, the Lockpick and Repair skill are important.

In the beginning focus on one combat skill. Unarmed, Small Weapons, Big Guns or Energy. Small weapons might be the easiest.

Get your own house for storage and to rest (your carrying capacity is quite limited).

Things to collect. You can’t sell “essential” quest items. However, the following items are worth keeping in storage till you need them!
  • Scrap Metal
  • Blood Packs
  • Nuka Cola Quantum (glows bright blue in PC version on full details, easy to identify)
  • Pre-War Books (in good condition, not the burned ones)
  • Books with titles like "Grognak the Barbarian"
  • All drugs, chems, medical items (no weight)
  • Bottlecaps (Fallout 3 post-war currency)

All ammo. Ammo is limited during the early stages of the game. So keep all ammo, it has no weight, carry it with you.

Carry a variety of weapons with you. In case you run out of ammo you can swap to another weapon. Keep a few duplicates of your weapons in storage for repairs.

To make money, collect items with a low weight and a high value. With your carrying capacity limited, it is best to pick up items with no weight (ammo, pre-war money, bottle caps) or little weight. I recommend to pick up items with a “Value to Weight ratio” of larger than 7.5. At the beginning of the game, you can go with 5. Do not collect all the junk (cups, plates, etc) with a value of 1 and weight of 1.

Look out for mines and traps. You can shoot them up. Or collect them if your Explosives skill is high enough.

Look out for the "Bobbleheads". Little statues of the "Big Headed Fallout 3 Comic Man". There are 20 in the entire game, so they are hard to find ... but they are worth it.

Use the VATS targeting system for short and mid range combat. For long range combat use the mouse (right click to aim, lift click to shoot) in real-time.

Try to complete the optional quest objectives.

Save often! Save before you leave vault 101 and keep that save!

Exploring the wastelands can be fun. In the beginning of the game I would recommend to follow the quests. Otherwise you might run out of ammo fast.

Have fun!!!